[BITList] mystlee summat' abart nowt.

s14engine s14engine at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 25 02:54:42 GMT 2010

that about sums up rumsfeld...........................

but, as a yorkshire man I categorically deny any connection.........................................


From: John Feltham 
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 7:12 PM
Subject: [BITList] Is there a connection?


Is there a connection?

Donald Rumsfeld said, not so long ago...

As we know, there are known knowns;

there are things we know we know. 

We also know there are known unknowns; 

that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. 

But there are also unknown unknowns 

the ones we don't know we don't know.

>From an old Yorkshire saying.

There's niver nowt, but what there's summat.

And when there's summat, it's offen nowt.

And them that allus' thinks they're summat,

'as-nearly allus risen fray nowt.

It's no-use sittin an waitin' for summat,

'Cos more-offen, it' nobbut' ends wi'nowt.

An' come to-think on it', these lines I've penned,

Are mystlee summat' abart nowt.



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