[BITList] Moron Krauthammer

HUGH chakdara at btinternet.com
Sat Feb 20 09:12:54 GMT 2010

Since my last I've looked more thoroughly, and Google has lots to say when 
asked about Ku Klux Klan instead of KKK.  Apparently it was Sir Walter Scott 
and WD Griffith to blame for associating the Scots with the KKK.  Scott used 
the "fiery cross" in one of his poems, as in "summoning the clan", and WD 
Griffith bastardised it in his film, The Birth of a Nation, into a rallying 
sign for the South in the Civil War, accompanied by martial music from the 
orchestra in the pit (a silent film).We are told audiences in the South 
would applaud loudly at such bits.


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