[BITList] Please Secure the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight & sign the petition!

John Feltham wulguru.wantok at gmail.com
Mon Feb 1 02:37:23 GMT 2010

May I refer you to the petition to save the Battle of Britain Memorial  
Flight from extinction.


     It has been suggested that the Battle of Britain Memorial

     Flight (BBMF) which celebrates the sacrifice of those who flew

     during the 2nd World War, will be cut in the next round of

     defence cuts.  This will be a travesty if it goes ahead.  The

     BBMF costs a mere £3m a year, less than 0.1% of the defence

     budget. It is a great delight for all who see their displays,

     and the memory of 'The Few' will be lost.  Please vote to

     ensure that the BBMF is not closed.

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