[BITList] Someone tell the press that rules of the game havechanged - Press, Media - The Independent

HUGH chakdara at btinternet.com
Sat Apr 24 09:49:10 BST 2010


Re 4th para from the end, did they thump the clown?  I'd love to know.  Why 
do the "quality papers" stop at the border?  I lifted the phone once, and 
found myself speaking to a woman who desired not me, but "a couple of 
minutes of my time".  So I answered her market research questions.  All went 
well, though not excitingly, until she asked me what national newspaper(s) I 
read most often.  I told her, the Herald, which wasn't on her crib sheet, 
for she was thrown off track for a bit.  "What's the Herald?" she asked. I 
told her.  "Oh, I meant NATIONAL newspapers," came the inept reply.  "Piss 
off," came to mind, but I contented myself with ending the conversation.


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