[BITList] Cross Wind Landing Tests

John Feltham wantok at me.com
Sun Apr 18 15:27:18 BST 2010

Crosswind Landing Testing 

This little video shows the Boeing factory determining the demonstrated crosswind landing limits on the 777 and the 747SP. The engineers make educated guesses, but then the test crews have to go out and actually prove the numbers. They sneak off to Brazil to do these tests at a certain remote Brazilian Air Force airbase famous for its continually atrocious crosswinds

Should the gear side loads be excessive and fold one up, there is nobody there to take nasty pix for the Airbus guys to wave around in the press. 

This is some good piloting in getting these planes down.  It comes close to "incredible".... tire change anybody????

If you haven't seen these before it's pretty amazing to watch planes of this size crab walking in on a crosswind landing.  

Note the rudder action on landing.


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