[BITList] With apologies to whoever....Her Majesty's Civil Service

John Feltham wulguru.wantok at gmail.com
Fri Sep 4 06:39:43 BST 2009

 From the PJM Forum...not written by me.

Just a bit of fun I first wrote in 2006 but still as current as ever  

All is explained on the workings of the Civil Service !!!

Yes Minister.

Minister:Good morning chaps, how are things?

Sir Humphrey: All is fine in the world Minister and of course we will  
let you know if that changes.

Minister: Thank you Humphrey. I’m off for some golf. (Exits stage left)

Nigel: But you never mentioned those hundreds of people at  
Fight4thePJM Sir Humphrey, and the 35000 veterans who fought in the  
Malayian War…….Oooops sorry !! The Emergency and the war against  
Indonesian attacks on Malaysia Ooops again, I mean the Confrontation.  
The ones who say they have been treated unfairly. You know, the ones  
who are using up our resources with their rebuttals, letters,  
petitions to The Queen and masses of e-mails.

Sir Humphrey: Isn’t it time you ordered some tea Nigel?

Nigel: But………

Sir Humphrey: (with some irritation) There is no need to bother the  
Minister with the ramblings of some geriatric Veterans Nigel. I know  
best. What do you think this is, a democracy?

Nigel: Well yes actually.

Sir Humphrey: (sighs heavily) You have a lot to learn dear boy. And  
learn you must if you ever want to see your O.B.E.

Nigel: I see…….. (pauses) What will it be for Sir Humphrey? Will I be  
able to wear it?

Sir Humphrey: (Sighs heavily again) Well………it’s not for anything  
really but it comes with the job. Like a bit of extra for staying the  
course. Of course you can wear it, why ever not. Do you know nothing?

Nigel: But didn’t those veterans fight in the jungles and were not  
hundreds of them injured and some killed. And didn’t they and their  
comrades actually win?

Sir Humphrey: And your point is?

Nigel: Well shouldn’t they be able to wear their PJM medals? We can  
wear ours and they really seem to have earned theirs.

Sir Humphrey: Have you ever considered a change of career Nigel. We  
can’t have these veteran types having more gongs on their chest than  
us now can we?

Minister: (Enters) I’m back. Anything happening?

Sir Humphrey: Nothing at all Minister.

Minister: You will let me know if there is?

Sir Humphrey: Yes Minister……………………….


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