[BITList] Op-Ed Columnist - Daisy Chain of Cheneys - NYTimes.com

CT's x50type at cox.net
Wed Oct 14 15:59:30 BST 2009

a terrifying spectre indeed, mike.

cheney and co are barking mad - they have ideas that hitler and stalin would envy.......................................

we have cheney to thank/blame for orchestrating the war with iraq. 

his megalomania was moderated by bush and powell ........................thankfully, even then we know where that got us.

In 2002 when cheney started out he was worth about $6 million. when he left office 8 years later he was worth over $100 million...........unfettered greed.

naturally, no one would want to give up such a lucrative situation; so any change is absolutely verboten. 

that obama was voted in for change horrifies the old brigade of cheney, rumsfeld and rove. I believe there is nothing they won't do to return to those heady pre-change days.

obama is as hated by the right as much as the kennedy clan was hated by the right - and murdered, in the 1960's.....................

(incidentally, I see hatred against ones political opposition here as a fatal american flaw [see the american civil war in which 620,000 soldiers died])  

a cheney/palin presidency would be suicide for the usa but the military-industrial complex would be in hog heaven; the same military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned against.

china is the great moderator in all this. messing with china will not be wise.

but, I have given up because there is no end to the madding crowds stupidity here - talk about brain-washed.


From: Michael Feltham 
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 4:44 AM
To: Colin Taylor 
Subject: Op-Ed Columnist - Daisy Chain of Cheneys - NYTimes.com


See the second last paragraph !  Then the US would be in the shit.



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