[BITList] Time to buy a Lottery Ticket!

David Harvey bison at iinet.net.au
Wed Nov 4 01:23:06 GMT 2009

I'm worried about Keith. He has shut down his practice. leased out his office in central Melbourne and has moved to a house in suburbia. He is working from home, shed a lot of clients and I don't know how he manages. He doesn't seem to be having financial problems though. I think he has suffered burn out. Three degrees, frenetic study, massive work load and written two books. He had a staff of 20 or so at one time, now he has one.

I think he is well in himself, he sounds cheerful enough. His PO Box remains the same as far as I know (I don't use it). We shall be going over for the 50th so you could always send it here. Just checked, it is the same PO Box 586.

Lisa returns in the wee small hours on Friday (Perth Airport operates over 24 hours). Things have radically changed in that direction. When I was in England/Italy etc. I was considering alternative arrangements but I got such a welcome home, which has continued on now for more than the last 12 months, things are back to normal, or better than normal. Don't know what happened but, then I don't need to know.

In the Supreme Court yesterday for a murder trial, I only went because the rostered on person was ill (funny thing, the Melbourne Cup was coincidentally running). Stabbing of a young Japanese man, I was supporting the Japanese family. Brilliant prosecutor, she tore up the poor psychiatrist, defence witness, to shreds.

More later, just an answer to the Keith bit. Couldn't help but notice your bit about laurels and backsides. One of my co-workers is a good looking lady by the name of Laurel and her backside is, well you know, rather nice. Just my mind, but you did remind me of her.

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