[BITList] pbs

CT's x50type at cox.net
Fri Aug 14 03:01:41 BST 2009

yo mike

NPR (national public radio) and PBS (Public Broadcasting Service for TV) are 
regarded as a liberal voice by the republicans (like bush, cheney, limbaugh, 
coulter, beck), so I expect both to be very supportive of obama's efforts to 
get health care for all americans. Some NPR stations relay the BBC radio 
news as does PBS on TV. But I can get BBC video programs and BBC radio 
programs via the internet anytime.

Not very long ago I was listening to Paul Temple and the Missing Spectacles 
from BBC on-line radio - a francis durbridge whodunnit from the 1940/50's 
(remember the intro music? - "coronation scot" by vivian ellis) - nostalgic 

I don't watch PBS very often and I generally only listen to the radio when I 
am driving. pbs only has news on from abt 0600 to 0900 and 1600 to 1800 
(the rest of the time it is classical music and other cultural stuff)- but 
these are not times I usually drive, so I don't listen to it very often.

I do listen to pbs on a saturday morning at 0900 for "Car Talk" by the 
tappet brothers - click and clack (google that and you can hear them on 
their site). people call in about car problems and click and clack (they 
really are brothers) try to answer them in a very amusing way. The two 
brothers are long-time car mechanics. Ray Magliozzi has a bachelor of 
science degree in humanities and science from MIT, while Tom has a bachelor 
of science degree in economics from MIT and an MBA and DBA from the Boston 
University Graduate School of Management.     this is followed by a very 
funny quiz program - "wait, wait don't tell me".

for many years npr here broadcast the bbc quiz program "my word" - I loved 
it.     it is not on now - I guess every one has passed on (dennis norden, 
frank muir, ann scott-james and antonio fraser, etc).

both npr and pbs are funded by grants from the government (much to red 
necks, fat white bastards and republicans chagrin), various endowments and 
donations from listeners/viewers. they generally don't have masses of 
commercials like the other stations here. some of the more well-heeled 
stations don't have any commercials - they have enough funding from local 
donations not to need the revenue from the broadcasting of commercials.

pbs plays a lot of bbc stuff - some very strange plays!

and yes, both have local fund drives to help pay for the services.

you said you listened to pbs when you were at sea - perhaps it was national 
public radio as pbs is only tv as far as I am aware.


From: "Michael Feltham" <mj.feltham at madasafish.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 6:03 PM
To: "BIT List" <BITList at lists.bcn.mythic-beasts.com>
Subject: [BITList] NHS & US Equivalent ?

> Colin,
> What is the Public Broadcasting Stations saying about this ?  When I
> was at Sea I used to listen to the PBS for factual news, they also
> relayed a lot of BBC stuff.  I also remembered that you were asked to
> pay to keep the stations going.
> Mike
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