[BITList] Moi Derriere

fredmno at aol.com fredmno at aol.com
Thu Sep 25 13:07:45 BST 2008

Tom et al,

               First of all paddling up the
wrong creek, I’ll try another creek when I can launch the canoe again tomorrow
morning, still cutting wood and must mow a bit later today, I have forty cubic
meters to trim off by a foot, the off cut feeds the lounge and kitchen stoves,
the big bit feeds our central heating boiler that looks rather like a mini
scotch boiler. The lawns do nothing except serve my wife’s passion for
everything in its place, a football pitch for our youngest of course and keeping
me out of mischief as well, I’d get bored otherwise would I not!?

               Inflation is bringing the
ass’oles out of the woodwork here, for the last two years the price of wood,
which incidentally was cut three years ago at least has leapt by 10% per annum,
when I asked the A’H’s to explain they point, without flickering a Gallic
eyebrow to the rising cost of fuel, one of my two providers is the husband of
my sons Godmother, a farmer, who I’ve been giving on average a thousand euros
of hay too for the last six years, he most probably thinks he’s doing me a
favour, moi derriere! However I’m going round there with a proposal which will
make his eyeballs roll, he either gives me thirty cubic meters in exchange for
the hay or he pays the going rate, I must add here that I’m holding20a full deck
as I’ve had various guaranteed offers for our standing hay. I’ll keep you
updated. One has to be very careful in France because if your not its possible
to lose control of your own land. Whilst on the subject of A’H’s and inflation
I ran out of coffee of which I’m addicted to and popped into our Huit et Huit or
Eight Days a week mini mart As Ron Thomas will confirm the French have eight
days to a week and fifteen to the fortnight, God knows how they survive, and nearly
dropped the bloody jar when I saw the price. For the bog standard Nescafe 200g
jar he wanted 8 euros forty four cents, in Lidl the same jar is 3euros 98,
there’s me thinking it was just politicians and multi nationals that were
having a laugh!

              We too have what is referred to
as the village market, what they really are are a way and means of ripping off
the poor sods without transport, namely the old and infirm. I have to laugh
when I see the so called experts on the tele groaning with delight when they
smell the French farm produce and say ‘ah you can really smell the difference’,
my arse as Ricky Tomlinson would say, same source as the super markets but with
a fifty to a hundred per cent premium! By way of an explanation, a mate of mine
had some chickens out back and their production outweighed his family’s
consumption so he hit on the idea of selling his surplus20as free range to
passers by, soon demand outstripped supply so his next bright idea was to nip
down to Sainsbury’s and buy his eggs in bulk, wipe a bit of the old chicken
SHoneT on them and treble his money, went on for years On that cynical note off
to cut wood, sacre bleu!

                                    BR Fred

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