[BITList] BIT List Scotland's Forest

Michael Feltham mj.feltham at madasafish.com
Mon Nov 17 16:56:14 GMT 2008


Just been reading your latest.  Our father went out to Bengal in 1946  
to work at Birkmyres.  Out there they made Transmission Belting and  
Canvas.  After leaving them he joined a Jute Mill further up the  
Hooghly.  Later he left them and went back to his old Hull Company -  
J.H. Fenners who were interested in opening  a factory in S. India, on  
account of import restrictions in India.  They made Transmission  
Belting, Vee Belts and Fennerplast and couldn't get into the Indian  
markets.  (Fennerplast was a non combustible belting for the Coal Mine  
conveyor belts.)
So Dad went to open a factory in Madurai and managed it until his  
death in the early sixties

Best Wishes


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